Octo – A Global Pipe Dream Come True
In joint collaboration with reSource and transmediale 2013, Telekommunisten unveiled to potential investors and partners the most radically disruptive project in the history of telecommunications, bringing the transformative power of digital communications to the physical sphere with a global sharing platform for the transmission of physical objects. OCTO is building a global system to interconnect every household and place of business with pneumatic tubes, which will permit the high-speed delivery of packages to and from any subscriber worldwide.
For transmediale 2013 a prototype of the system was deployed at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin, called OCTO P7C-1. Curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli, and working with Vittore Baroni and an international network of artists, OCTO P7C-1 Intertubular Pneumatic Packet Distribution System was not only be used for on-site communications by transmediale staff and festival guests, but also be a part of the PNEUMAtic circUS international mail art project highlighting the potential and versatility of the platform.
OCTO-P7C-1 Intertubular Pneumatic Packet Distribution System was
transmediale 2013’s Official Miscommunication Platform and the result of
a joint collaboration between the reSource transmedial culture
berlin/transmediale, the Telekommunisten collective and raumlaborberlin.
Telekommunisten Executives
Jeff Mann
Chief Inventor and Head of Pneumatics
Jeff created of the P7C-1 prototype, contributing decades of research into pneumatics and art machines to his vision for the tubular system, and his master creation, the P7C-1 central operating station.
Jonas Frankki
Chief Designer, Head of Graphic Identity.
Jonas created the powerful branding and corporate identity that so perfectly expresses the numerous layers of the project.
Baruch Gottlieb
Chief Director, Head of Labour Dramaturgy.
Baruch directed the many facets of the project towards a coherent whole.
Tatiana Bazzichelli
Chief Curator, Head Postal Networker
Tatiana initiated and curated Octo (together with Kristoffer Gansing) and the PNEUmatic circUS (together with Vittore Baroni) as curator at transmediale.
Diani Barreto
Chief Executive Performer, head of social representation
Diani brought the project persona to life online and at the festival.
Mike Pearce
Chief Communication Officer.
Mike works towards bringing our often complex, perhaps even convoluted message, to the general public by adding simplicity and concision.
Dmytri Kleiner
Chief Systems Analyst, head of investor relations
Dmytri works at identifying the way social relations are embodied in economic and communications systems, and how profit and power is captured and maintained.
Rico Weise
Chief Operations Officer.
Manages the ever expanding administrative flow.
Octo P7C-1 Prototype in Operation
Inside OCTO from transmediale on Vimeo.
>> Rohrpost auf der transmediale on Bayerischer Rundfunk (German)